Thursday 21 March 2013

Muslim Council Wants Rajapaksa To publicly Condemn The Hate Campaign Of The Buddhist Extremists

We appreciate the many recent pronouncements that your excellency has made regarding the multiethnic nature of our polity, the Muslims’ long history in the country, and the necessity of all ethnic and religious groups to live in harmony, we see no substantive reduction in either the incidents of harassment of members of our community or the campaign by the extremist groups.Read more>>>   

Tuesday 5 March 2013

3rd March 1924: The day State founded by Rasoolallah (saw) was abolished!

Today the Western capitalist system that has ruled the world for decades is not admired as it once was. It has created another global economic crisis. Western powers have overreached themselves in imperial warfare in Afghanistan and Iraq. Their societies are filled with family breakdown and social problems. People view their politicians as increasingly corrupt, bowing down to banks and big business. Read more>>>  

Friday 1 March 2013

Stop the hate Campaign Against Muslims;By Harim Peiris

The Sri Lankan Muslim Community, a religious and linguistic minority has been an ancient community in Sri Lanka, now predominating in the Eastern Province and also scattered throughout the country. An integral part of Sri Lanka’s cultural mosaic, they have contributed significantly to Sri Lanka’s national life. Led politically by secular and moderate leaders, during the ethnic war, they were hounded and brutalized by the Eelam Tigers, ethnically cleansed them from the North and murdered by the LTTE while at prayer  in their mosques. Read more>>>